Sundays for Kids

Early Childhood

Every Sunday morning we have childcare available for children aged 0-5yrs. This is an engaging and fun experience where kids learn how much God loves them and what a special creation they are!

K-6th Grade

On Sunday mornings, kids in Kindergarten through 6th grade will have a blast making new friends and learning God’s Word from funny videos, wacky games and amazing teaching. The Well for Kids is packed with fun interaction and personal connections, creating an atmosphere where kids experience God in a way they will never forget.

Safety is a Priority!

All children must be checked in and this may be done at any available station. After finding your child’s name in the database, you and your child will be given matching identification tags that are exclusive to your family and your visit. Your child will need to wear the name tag portion while you keep the matching tag. After the service, you will return to your child’s room and show your tag in order for your child to be released back to you.

All of our volunteers are Safe Gathering trained and certified.